Our voice recording booth, with a large window providing natural light, is a lovely place to be. Due to the ultra high spec construction, it remains totally silent and isolated from any outside noise.
With clear sightlines through to Studio 1 to aid communication, artists will feel part of the action and be able to relax and perform at their best.

Industry-standard VO and ADR microphones:
Neumann U87
AKG 414
Sennheiser MKH50
Sennheiser 416
Sanken COS 11
DPA 4061
Schoeps CMIT5
We use a Focusrite Rednet X2P Dante system to allow all of our studios to link to the booth and record voice to picture. Neve and API analog mic preamps are available if required
We can host remote sessions via Sessionlink Pro, Source Connect Pro and IPDTL